Electrolytes: The Essential Spark for Peak Performance! ⚡

Why Electrolytes

When it comes to optimizing your workouts and recovery, there's an unsung hero that deserves the spotlight: Electrolytes-- sodium, potassium and magnesium. Here's why they're a game-changer in your stack:

Power Up Every Cell 🌟:

Electrolytes aren't just salts; they're the electrical charges that power every cell in your body. From muscle contractions to nerve impulses, they ensure everything runs smoothly.

Muscle Function Mastery 🏋️‍♂️: 

Electrolytes, especially potassium and sodium, are crucial for muscle contractions. Keeping them in balance helps prevent muscle cramps and fatigue.

Energy Efficiency 🚀: 

Feel the burn longer and stronger! Electrolytes assist in the rapid transport of energy and nutrients to the cells, ensuring you get the most out of every workout.

Rapid Recovery 🔄: 

Post-workout fatigue? Electrolytes speed up the recovery process by replenishing lost minerals and ensuring optimal cellular function.

Our Choice:

We include a full gram of sodium to replace heavy losses through sweat and to increase sodium intake on diets lacking it.  We also add 200mg of Potassium as it is essential for muscle function and to ensure smooth contractions, helping you power through workouts while avoiding cramps.  Lastly, we add 60mg of magnesium which is a crucial ingredient in energy production, DNA repair, and muscle synthesis.